I'm Not An Eco-Freak, Really!

Ok, so maybe I am a little bit, but not like Al Gore or anything...

Anyway, I thought this was interesting and worth passing on:

You can help to educate people who you see tossing trash from a vehicle or something falling from an unsecured truck load by reporting the following information online at http://www.stoplitter.org/ .

Provide the following information: License plate number (Tennessee plates only), Type and make of the vehicle, Day and time the incident occurred, Location where the incident occurred , and the type of item tossed or blown from the vehicle

The owner of the vehicle will receive a letter from the State of TN informing them that a concerned citizen (does not give your name) reported them littering. The letter informs him/her the law that was broken, the cost of the fine if caught by an officer and the harm the litter does to our environment and communities.