The Question Echoes On

Jesus is the authority, and it's basically all a matter of perspective. As the heavens are higher than the earth, His ways are higher than ours.

I was reading about this great storm and how terrified these men were as they were being tossed about in their boat (Mark 4:35-40). The greatest part was that the storm that made them panic made Jesus drowsy. What put fear in their eyes put Him to sleep. What they felt was a tomb, He felt was a cradle.

Then He gets up, tells the wind and water to be still and then there is a perfect calm.

They had asked, "dont you care if we drown?!" Of course He cared, but He had a different perspective. He saw the storm as a little shower. One that He was in complete control of.
He replies, "Do you still have no faith!"

...even today the question echoes on...


Charley Lowery said...

I was listening to sermon on this recently and he spoke of how Jesus knowing his future - there was no way he was going to die in some little fishing boat. Wouldn't the disciples know this? It seems as if they would, yet having faith was difficult for them when they were in the presence of Christ.
John 20:29 "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

I wasn't with the Disciples on that boat, but I have not doubt that I would have been freaking out as well. It's a journey no matter who we are with.